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I have been truly honored to have served my City in the capacity of your Mayor. Having served 16 years on the City Council I have come to know 1st hand the needs and desires of our community.

Although the nation is still treading through a sluggish economy and times are tough for every level of government in providing services and programs, I choose to be an optimist. I believe we are at a very important crossroads in our history. I believe we are poised for some great progress and fortune in East Moline. "Why" you ask? Here's why:

  • Reputation. One goal we are constantly pursuing and have accomplished is the fact that East Moline is now known locally, regionally and as far away as Virginia, Texas and California - eager and ready for progress and development. Our staff is "developer-friendly," assertive and understands the high priority this has for East Moline.
  • Upscale Dining and Shopping. This is something we all want and have a tremendous desire for in East Moline. With all the activity on the Avenue of the Cities corridor, the potential at The Quarter, as well as the possibilities that are finally opening up along the I-5 corridor, this desire will come to fruition very soon.
  • Infrastructure. The City Council will be re-evaluating the Capitol Improvements Plan this spring and mapping out a course of action. Funding will always be the biggest obstacle but priorities still have to be made considering many variables and factors. We are very fortunate to have the new I-5 sewer line project under way which will without a doubt open up much interest for progress and development in the corridor.
  • Downtown. Finally!!! We have four tools to entice progress and development in our downtown that we've never had before. Just recently approved and acquired are: 1) a TIF (Tax Increment Finance) district, 2) a Special Service Area (SSA), 3) the recent formation of the Mayor's Downtown Image Committee and 4) an enterprise zone. Along with the guidance and support from the Mainstreet Committee and REDEEM we have never been more poised for progress than we will be this year with all these elements in place.
  • Expansion. Unlike other communities and fortunately for us, we have ample room for expansion and if desired, voluntary annexation. We recently annexed 300 acres towards the I-5 and I-80 area with much potential for a positive future.
  • Team "EM." What a great team of professionals, staff City Council, employees and of coarse concerned/involved citizens we have in place. Continuity and momentum is ever so important to progress, this election plays a pivotal part in what happens and what comes to a halt. For the most part I am very proud and honored to work with such a great team, let's keep it going!
  • Quality of Life. I believe we are blessed to have a wonderful school system, ample parks, a great variety of churches, devoted employees providing great services and a very diverse community. Diverse not just in ethnic backgrounds but in the youth and elderly, professionals, skilled labor force, veterans and volunteerism. We live in a city that prides itself in being responsive to the needs and compassionate to the misfortuned.

Friends, we've come a long way in many areas for our community, far too many to mention here. I ask you to help me and your team to "keep the ball rolling!" We all want the same thing: a progressive, proud and positive outlook for our future, our children's future and their children's future. It all starts with a vision, open mind and cooperation by all involved that includes an interactive citizenry and of course, a leader. I would appreciate your consideration as it would be an honor to continue to serve you in that capacity.

Most sincerely,
Jose "Joe" Moreno
Mayor of East Moline



With mentors and leaders such as Mayor Moreno, I can only see this as an opportunity for all of us to serve by example.

~Joel Siria

Joe on the Issues:

:: economic development

:: community involvement

:: taxes, services and user rates

:: streets, alleys and infrastructure

:: service

Paid for by the Committee to Re-elect Joe Moreno 2005